I had the sensation of separating from my body into a dream version of my bedroom. The visuals were very dark to begin with and the dream was quite faint. I walked over to the window and flew out onto the high street outside. Everything was still very dark but I could see a very clear line in the distance where the colours were more vibrant. I walked towards this area and found myself in a much more stable environment with clear visuals.
I saw N who I used to work with. I walked up to her, gave her a pen and paper and asked her to create a drawing. She started by drawing a tower, then a skeleton, followed by an assortment of other images. I then asked her to write something and she wrote 'Grey K1ngston upon Thames' I was watching over her shoulder as she did this and at some point I realised N had disappeared and it was me who was holding the pen. It was like my perspective had changed and I was witnessing the dream from the point of view of N. When the drawing was finished I memorised as much as I could and put the paper away. The dream was still very stable so I explored for a bit whilst reciting the content of the drawing in my head.
210mm x 297mm (A4)
Acrylic Paint Pen on 300GSM paper
**Frame for display purposes only**